I tried to identify the date in the Star Tribune Newspaper as today's date January 13, 2010. Next to it is the computer screen showing a picture of the computer monitor at my Amazon site. Looks like I can still use my credit card that was cancelled in Fall of 2008.
Above is the original purchase. As a college student with little income I bought into the advertised
"Use Amazon credit card and get $# credit on purchases above $#". Sounded good I was going to purchase with a credit card anyway, why not save some cash. My plan was to purchase my college textbooks, then pay the full balance upon receipt of the books, and cancel the credit card immediately.
I don't like having multiple cards. All within the guidelines of the promo offer.
That is exactly what I did. Upon receiving my books I called up Chase banks, asked what my bill was and paid it in full. Then I told the customer service rep to immediately cancel my account with them. I think the closure to that conversation was, "Is their anything else I can help you with today?" My response, "No".
In the meantime my account has mysteriously not been closed and has been enrolled in paperless billing. All without my consent or knowledge.
I will be getting further details posted, once I acquire and scan the limited documentation there is of these transactions.
Conveniently all the sales/payment history is gone from "paperless (
online)" including the email dialogue I had with them regarding my account.

This is where it all went down hill. Somehow after paying off the balance and cancelling the credit card in 2008. A small balance remained and has acrued interest and fees ever since.
Documentation of my second attempt to cancel the account