Sunday, June 27, 2010


I've always just accepted that I can't sprint and left it at that.  Maybe I should work on that, I hear people do sprints and intervals. That sound like punching a clock and going to work, I just like to ride.   My 2 races at the State Crit were fine nothing more and that is because I have no sprint.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Soccer

Today was a soccer tourney for Abby.  She had four games for the day, they were shortened, but I could see she was worn out by the end.  Afterwards we rode bikes over to Lifetime for a swim, she made all the hills on her little BMXer single speed.  I was thinking Mankato for a MTB race, but after the weather we had I think the Mn State Crit will be a better option.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No hiding here.

Dan, for your reading pleasure.
I'm guessing the 1hour 32 minute blank is the Jordan regroup.  I'm also guessing somewhere on the bottom line where the minutes are not visible, probably where 1 hour 58 minutes would be, is where I fell off the lead pack.  Probably right where the red line is showing heart rate.  Weird since I wasn't wearing a heart rate monitor.  Maybe my heart was beating so hard that it wirelessly sent out a cry for help that registered on computer.

I was looking forward to tonights ride because of the wind.  It forces people to ride to their abilities and not be able to hide.  Hiding itself is not a bad thing, in fact its quite useful to help some riders, however when experienced riders with strength hide its lame.  It was a blast tonight, everyone got turned inside out.  Some people found themselves outside of their comfort zone.  Scott county looked like a bomb went off instead of the usual orderly protective cocoon.  I like throwing caution to the wind, not being a reckless rider, but maxing myself out repeatedly without concern for whether I get dropped or not.  If you get dropped so what at least you know the limitations of your fitness.  Bantle "The Bomb" is a good example of this.  Good to see him out riding again.

I'm not sure what happened to me.  Maybe it was that I had my mind set on a Jordan regroup at the gas station where I could get a Snickers, maybe it was that I hadn't ridden since the last Wednesday ride, or maybe it was just a fn hard ride.

Some gore from the Square Lake RR.

Look out she'll be ready for Buck.